Company / about us

who is ggh?

At GroundGame.Health, we manage the complex connections between health plans, providers, employers, community-based organizations (CBOs), and other stakeholders to both solve unmet social needs and close gaps in care for people across the country. By facilitating personalized, culturally tailored, human-to-human interactions and experiences, we make the biggest difference in people's lives.

Our scalable, hyperlocal approach is driven by our proven technology platform and a unique operating model. By engaging and building trust with individuals, we drive action, and by leveraging a national network of CBOs and increasing their financial capacity within communities, we deliver sustainable support. This approach enables healthcare stakeholders to achieve their shared goal of helping people live a healthier life.

A man wearing glasses and smiling, looking at the camera, while seated at a desk in front of a laptop computer. In the background is a workspace.

Our Mission

We are a social care company, working human to human, actively removing barriers to living healthy lives.


Our Values

Our team works with values that reflect the importance of the work we do every day on behalf of those we serve:

We are:

  • Compassionate
  • Resilient
  • Bold
  • Generous
  • Joyful

Our team

Our leadership team brings to their roles deep industry experience, a drive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it most, and a globally informed perspective.

Photo of Susan Rawlings Molina
Susan Rawlings Molina

Co-Founder and CEO

Photo of Sri Akula
Sri Akula

Co-Founder and President

Photo of Syam Adusumilli
Syam Adusumilli

Chief Health Equity Officer

Photo of David Breedlove
David Breedlove

Chief Financial Officer

Photo of Valerie Cerra
Valerie Cerra

Chief of Staff, Head of Project Management Office

Photo of Phil Harker
Phil Harker

Chief Growth Officer

Photo of Abner Mason
Abner Mason

Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer

Photo of Nive Naik
Nive Naik

CISO / Head, Community Partnerships & QA

Photo of Natarsha Nesbitt
Natarsha Nesbitt

Vice President, Chief Legal Counsel / Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer

Photo of Dennis Prysnor
Dennis Prysner

Chief Administrative Officer

Photo of Murali Talasila
Murali Talasila

CTO and Managing Director, India

Photo of Meredith Welsh
Meredith Welsh

Senior Vice President, Operations and Head of Service Delivery

Our board

Photo of Susan Rawlings Molina
Susan Rawlings Molina

Chairperson of the Board

Photo of Shantanu Agrawal, MD
Shantanu Agrawal, MD

Board Member

Photo of Sri Akula
Sri Akula

Board Member

Photo of Aimee Dailey
Aimee Dailey

Board Member

Photo of Robert Garber
Robert Garber

Board Member

A woman seated at a desk in front of a laptop computer, looking at the camera, smiling.

Want to know more about GroundGame.Health difference?