Under the Same Sky

Under the Same Sky featuring Tamala Risher

Join us on Thursday, March 20 at 2:00 PM ET, as our guest speaker, a patient assistance coordinator and advocate, discusses various assistance programs available to help people afford medications.

We know that not taking medications as prescribed can cause serious problems such as unnecessary complications related to a medical condition, bad health outcomes, hospitalizations, and more. However, many people choose not to fill a prescription or take them as directed to save money because of how high the costs are – often referred to as medication rationing.

Join us on Thursday, March 20, at 2:00 PM ET as Abner Mason hosts a conversation with Tamala Risher, a patient assistance coordinator and advocate, to discuss various assistance programs available to help people afford medications.

Under the Same Sky is broadcast LIVE on LinkedIn, and your questions are welcome during the discussion. Follow us on LinkedIn o be otified of upcoming episodes. You can also catch the show after broadcast; you can read a summary of the discussion and view the recording in our Past episodes section below, or listen on-the-go using your favorite podcast app. Just search for Under the Same Sky.

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